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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 东莞市 黄江
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2016-01-10 19:47
浏览次数: 14

Li Ming Switch Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional R & D, design and manufacture of the door lock switch / switch button / button switch / self-locking switch / toggle switch / reset switch / touch switch / micro switch / keyboard switch / push switches, rocker switches, USB socket / DC socket / headphone socket / vane switch. Products are widely used in household appliances, industrial equipment, instrumentation, communications equipment, fitness and beauty equipment and other aspects. The company can develop the design and manufacture of special requirements of the switch products.
Lee Ming Company in May 1981 through the ISO9001 quality management system certification, in March 2001 through the ISO14001 environmental management system certification, through the continuous cycle of PDCA, the system is getting better. "SOKEN" is a registered trademark of the company. The company established in line with the UL, TUV safety testing standards for the laboratory. Products through UL, VDE, TUV, ENEC, KEMA, K, CQC, CCC and other countries and regions of the security regulatory certification. The company will continue to strive to "quality, service" business philosophy, and constantly pursue the quality and service of the perfect, to meet the needs of different customers.
Please pay attention to our website: http://www.anniukaiguan.com/, convenient for you to check the relevant product information

利铭公司1981年5月通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证,2001年3月通过ISO14001环境管理体系认证,经PDCA的不断循环,体系日臻完善。“SOKEN”为本公司的注册商标。公司建立有符合UL、TUV安规检测标准的实验室。产品均通过UL 、VDE 、TUV、 ENEC、 KEMA、K、CQC、CCC 等多个国家和地区的安规认证。 公司将继续努力致力于“品质、服务”的经营理念,不断追求品质与服务的完美,最大限度地满足不同客户的需求。

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